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10 Common Things That Can Cause Seizures in Dogs
Seeing your dog have a seizure is scary, and it’s natural to want to understand what might be causing it....
The 10 Best Service Dog Breeds for 2024
Service dogs provide crucial assistance to those who need help navigating daily life. But with so many dog breeds out...
Dog Shaking and Panting: What it Could Mean
Dogs shake or pant for several reasons, which are usually related to their physical or emotional state. They have physiological...
9 Reasons Why Dogs Drag Their Butts
Why do dogs drag their butts? Dogs do some gross things, and butt-scooting is one of those strange behaviors that...
Why Do Dogs Bury Bones? 10 Reasons
If you're a dog owner, you've probably caught your furry friend burying a bone or a favorite toy in the...
New Puppy Checklist: Everything You May Need
Bringing a new puppy home is an exciting and joyful experience. It's the beginning of a beautiful relationship with your...
What To Do If Your Dog Has a Broken Nail
When you break a nail, it's usually just a minor inconvenience. You file it down and move on with your...
10 Signs Your Dog Has Imprinted On You
Imprinting is a fascinating phenomenon often discussed in the context of birds and other animals, but it applies to dogs,...